============================ -------------------------- ZX SPECTRUM esxDOS SOFTWARE COLLECTION -------------------------- for standard and advanced Speccy machines, incl. ZX-Uno, Sizif, Omni MB03+ Ultimate interface & eLeMeNt ZX computer -------------------------- ============================ FILES wit a TAR extension are standard TAR archives Use ub880d's TAR dot-command to extract files from TARs. ---------------------------- FILES without an extension are dot-commands for esxDOS See list of dot-commands at esxdos.samcoupe.cz ---------------------------- TRD, SCL and TAP FILES are emulator files - runable in the esxDOS Use the NMI button and run a file from the browser. Check out the bob_fossil's LFN Browser. ----------------------------- BAS FILES are BASIC programs You can load&save them with esxDOS' standard LOAD* and SAVE* commands. -----------------------------